Mon - Fri 09 - 17h

060/3910-483, 011/3910-483

Triše Kaclerovića 6a Voždovac, Beograd

Dental implants Cvejanović, Belgrade, Serbia

Angie from London

Since prices for fixing up a dental braces in the UK are very expensive, I’ve decided to look for these services outside the UK.

So, somehow, I narrowed my searh to Hungary and Serbia and after contacting with a different dental practices, I decided for some reason for clinic Cvejanovic.

Maybe those couple talks with dr Srdjan played a role and impression that he left on me.

At the airport, a driver was waiting for me and drove me right into the dental office.

My greatest fear was a language barrier and how we are going to communicate, but all staff at the clinic Cvejanovic is perfectly multilingual and there was no problem.

Few hours later, dr Lana Cvejanovic set a dental braces and it was all over.

After few weeks I’ve noticed the first results and I was very happy.

Thanks for all family Cvejanovic and see you in two months!

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