Mon - Fri 08 - 16h

060/3910-483, 011/3910-483

Triše Kaclerovića 6a Voždovac, Beograd

Dental implants Cvejanović, Belgrade, Serbia

Dental treatment


Placement of dental fillings is one of the most common and routine procedures at any dentist’s office. Fillings are most often applied when patients do not visit their dentist often, which gives the caries time to wreak havoc. However, if a patient has visited before caries had a chance to spread throughout a tooth, by applying composite or ceramic fillings it is possible to restore the complete structural vitality to that tooth, as well as to achieve the appearance of a healthy tooth, even to the slightest detail.

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Periodontitis – Gum disease

Does your gum bleed when you brush teeth? Are you prone to gum bleeding even when minimal irritation is applied (a strong bite, toothpick etc)? Do you feel a dull, vague pain around your teeth? Have your teeth shifted in the past few years, either towards the front or laterally, broadening the gap?

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Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most common dentistry procedures today, and it is increasingly in demand. The reason patients go for it is mostly due to the looks. It is often that patients wish to whiten their teeth in order to adjust the colour between their natural teeth and crowns or veneers placed, but this procedure is also done on completely, or mostly healthy teeth.

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Implant retained denture

Dental denture that is fixed onto implants is called implant retained denture or clip-on denture, sometimes also called ball-retained denture. This type of restoration involves placing three or four implants per jaw and then later clipping a dental denture onto them.

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Digital smile design

Dental denture that is fixed onto implants is called implant retained denture or clip-on denture, sometimes also called ball-retained denture. This type of restoration involves placing three or four implants per jaw and then later clipping a dental denture onto them.

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Other services our works

Computer-guided implantology

Clip-on dentures

Denture prosthesis – a case of bone deficiency

Denture prosthesis for both forks

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