I chose you because you are so transparent: pricing, your work – you know what you are getting, there is an apartment, a driver, everything is sorted. Also, I love Belgrade, I think it’s amazing.
This dental practice is better than any practice that I’ve been to in London. I got quoted 23.000£ for the work that I got here, and I paid only 4000£ here, six times less! If you consider that the average salary is 26.000£ in England, 23.000£ is such a big chunk. This work is also better than I could have got in London.
Everything was arranged in advance, so when I came here the doctors are really good and the nurses were even better, so I felt as good as you can imagine. The treatment was also as smooth as I could have wished for.
Because of Coronavirus, it took a little longer, which was the only small problem I had. Look at me now! I’m so happy, it looks very, very good in all places, I feel very comfortable and I can chew again. My situation was so bad, I didn’t even allow the doctor to put the initial photos on the internet, that’s how bad it was – so thank you, you saved my smile!
Veoma sam zadovoljna novih osmehom, koji sam žarko želela, iako su me mnogi odgovarali od toga. Poredila sam različite ordinacije i kada sam pogledala vaše radove bila sam sigurna da ne želim ići nigde drugde.
Pažljivo sam gledala video materijal, tako da su vaši radovi i šarmantni doktor Srđan zajedno doprineli da dođem kod vas. Sve je brzo bilo gotovo, zaista sam veoma srećna i zato svima preporučujem ordinaciju Cvejanović.
Dr. Srdjan Cvejanovic and his group at the clinic are an extraordinary bunch of people who made me very happy and thankful that I was able to get my oral surgery and teeth implants done by him. They are very professional and I could not be more excited to be able to smile. I had a very big problem with my teeth and it took me a very long time to find the right doctor. I recommend this to everybody who needs any kind of dentistry, because you will not be disappointed. I want to thank you again Dr. Srdjan Cvejanovic and your incredible team.
Drazen Rabrenovic
Dr. Cvejanovic and all at the clinic, I would like to say thank you for every things, you are a nice people and professional group.
Your Sincerely
Emadeldin Hassan
Poštovani doktore, želim da vam se zahvalim na izuzetnoj ljudskosti koju ste pokazali prema meni. Vaše strpljenje pokazuje da ste veliki čovek koji daje sigurnost i zrači toplinom koju ne mogu opisati.
Ja koja sam se plašila i strepila od svakog zahvata, se sada osećam srećno, zadovoljno i ispunjeno. Vaše tople reči su me spasile i otklonile moje strahove. Mnogo vam se zahvaljujem jer ste spasili moj osmeh koji će od sada biti pun čarolije i zračiće svuda.
Još jednom, divnom doktoru i osobi: Veliko hvala!!!
A da ne zaboravim, cela ekipa je bila divna prema meni, a i kafa je jako ukusna.
Pozdrav iz Austrije!!!
Mogu samo da kažem da imam sve pohvale za doktora Srđana, Ivanu i ostale. Imaju tako lake ruke da nisam osetio bol ni tokom, ni posle zahvata. Dva puta sam dolazio, prvi put sam radio četiri implanta, a kasnije još dva i operaciju sinus lift. Sve pohvale, usluga je na nivou, puno pozdrava Adem Cirih.
Prvo bih želeo da uputim jedno veliko hvala dr. Srđanu, Ivani i ostalom osoblju ordinacije Cvejanovic, zato sto je moj problem sa zubima sada prošlost. Jedino mi je žao što mnogo ranije nisam dosao u ovu ordinaciju, koja ima rešenje za baš svaki problem sa zubima. Posle mnogo urađenog posla, od vađenja zuba, ugradnje veštacke kosti, ugradnje implantanta itd… rezultat na kraju svih radova je savrpen. Ponovo mogu da se slobodno smejem i komuniciram sa ljudima, ponovo mogu da jedem i pijem bez straha da će me zaboleti cela vilica.
Moj prvi dolazak u ordinaciju ostavio mi je pozitivan utisak. Posle nekoliko dolazaka, nestao je bilo kakav strah, jer su me dr Srđan, Ivana i ostali zaposleni uverili svojim radom da sam na pravom mestu. Rutina i sigurnost u radu, koja potice od velikog znanja, naprave totalno prijatnu i opustenu atmosferu. Svakim sledećim dolaskom sam bio siguran da ću konacno biti oslobodjen dugogodišnjeg problema sa zubima.
Iz mog veoma pozitivnog iskustva, svakome bih preporučio da ne odlaže odluku danima i mesecima o dolasku u ordinaciju, jer za to ne postoji ni jedan razlog.
Jos jednom hvala dr. Srđanu i celokupnom osoblju na dobro obavljenom poslu, ljubaznom i ljudskom odnosu,
Nebojša Ristivojević,
I would like to take an a opportunity to share my gratitude for all that family Cvejanovic have done for me since the moment plain landed to Belgrade.
I wanted to thanks Andrea for waiting at airport and for driving me back and forth for each appointment and for being always so kind and going out of her way to ensure any of my personal needs are accomplished .
My special thanks to dr. Srdjan who have performed a 12 implants surgery an a week ago and today I feel great and able to wear my temporary dentures without discomfort .
Dr. Srdjan shown that he is highly professional , knowledgable and with a mind set to carry on and further enhance a we’ll established family legacy .
Entire team is well mentored by dr. Nebojsa Cvejanovic and dr. Srdjan Cvejanovic and you can feel at every moment spent in dental office that core of that family practice is a warm human, high moral approach to each patient who at the end of the treatment feel very pleased as I certainly do and well assured they are on right place.
I am very eager for my next visit as the final step ( placing of crowns ) will take a place but very confident that dr. Srdjan is more than capable to fully restore my teeth and recover my well being.
At the end would be far to admit I was slihtly skeptical when made decision for dental tourism but now I could say it was 100% worted. Treatment planning & Surgery was done by excellent dentist in a top of the line equipped dental office but for a fraction of cost comparing with Canada.
No surprised- hidden cost and no need to fear what you will find in a small print ( like in Canada & USA).
Thank you family Cvejanovic for a very comfortable visit and would highly recommend dr.Srdjan if anybody is searching as I did for a dental solution from a distant place.
Thank you dr. Nebojsa for keeping me laughter as it did help to keep the spirit.
Obratio sam se Dr.Srđanu kako bi uporedio cene iz Zagreba sa cenama u Beogradu. Nakon kratkih konsultacija izračunao sam da mi se više isplati da otputujem do Beograda nego da sredim zube u Zagrebu. Kada sam došao u ordinaciju zgranuo sam se kako to sve izgleda jer ordiancija izgleda kao da sam u nekom većem evropskom gradu, a ne u Beogradu, iskreno nisam tako zamišljao iako sam video slike
Nakon dva dolaska u Beograd Dr.Srđan je jako uspešno rešio moj slučaj
Hvala Dr.Srđanu i celom osoblju za jako uspešan rad i prekrasan osmeh
Alen Ivancic, Croatia
Za ordinaciju Cvejanović čula sam od prijateljice čiji je muž bio prezadovoljan njihovim uslugama. Bez razmišljanja sam pozvala ordinaciju da se i sama uverim u kvalitet njihovih pohvala i njihove internet strane. I mogu samo da kažem da uopšte nisam pogrešila!!!!! Ovakva kukavica kao ja, mislim da ne postoji na svetu, ali je doktor Srđan i njegov fenomenalan tim uspeo da me ohrabri i pomogne da operišem tri ciste koje sam imala i sve to tako brzo i bezbolno…Od starih, krivih zuba dobila sam savršen, lep osmeh… Hvala celokupnom timu ordinacije Cvejanović na svemu što su učinili za mene!!!! Posebno doktoru Srđanu koji je imao strpljena da mi odgovori na sva moja postavljenja pitanja kojih je bilo i previše, a čak i da me pozove posle operacije da vidi kako sam i da li je sve u redu. Sve to govori da je on ne samo profesionalac u svom poslu, već da svoj posao radi sa puno ljubavi i brizi o svojim pacijentima.
Srdačan pozdrav svima u ordinaciji Cvejanović
Tamara Spasić
Posto ne zivim u Srbiji zamolila sam mog brata da mi pronadje zubara u Beogradu.Njegov izbor je pao na Dr Srdjana i nije ni malo pogresio.
Iako sam dosla prestrasena cak uz USA, dr Srdjan razbio moj strah i sad sa novim zubima i sa osmehom idem kod zubara
Saric Aleksandra,USA
My husband is terrified of the dentist. He desperately needed to fix his teeth. We live in Australia where it is extremely expensive to have any dental work so my husband Dalibor decided to contact srdjan and decided to go to serbia in March and put implants in. He was very scared but was put at ease by srdjan and his team. In june our whole family went to serbia for a holiday and for dalibor to finish off his teeth. I went to srdjan for a check up i regular visit a dentist but have very bad teeth they are very soft. After my consultation srdjan recommended that i fix all of my teeth. I agreed. I put crowns on every single tooth. I have never been more happier with my teeth. I was so happy with the service of the entire team, i even had a driver from where i was staying to the surgery. They were all so caring and polite and friendly and that is hard to find these days.
My husband and I would highly recommend this surgery to everyone we are extremely happy customers.
Hvala od srca Srdjane i svima
Since prices for fixing up a dental braces in the UK are very expensive, I’ve decided to look for these services outside the UK.
So, somehow, I narrowed my searh to Hungary and Serbia and after contacting with a different dental practices, I decided for some reason for clinic Cvejanovic.
Maybe those couple talks with dr Srdjan played a role and impression that he left on me.
At the airport, a driver was waiting for me and drove me right into the dental office.
My greatest fear was a language barrier and how we are going to communicate, but all staff at the clinic Cvejanovic is perfectly multilingual and there was no problem.
Few hours later, dr Lana Cvejanovic set a dental braces and it was all over.
After few weeks I’ve noticed the first results and I was very happy.
Thanks for all family Cvejanovic and see you in two months!
The mere thought of having to go to Serbia to take care of my teeth was instilling uncertainty at the very beginning.
On a recommendation of my friend I’ve contacted dr Srdjan, and after a very nice and detailed conversation, I definitely decided to go to Belgrade.
At the airport, Andrea, a clinic assistant, was waiting for me, whom I show my gratitude for all she has done for me during my stay in Serbia.
I must admit that when I first arrived was not really comfortable, particularly because of that place at which the practice is located and access to the clinic is not at a high level, and moreover, I was wondering what I am doing there, but behind everything of that lies heaven with magical garden, and very modern and equipped dental clinic.
When I finally let myself into the hands of dr Srdjan everything was easier, and day by day I got more and more relaxed, and perhaps Serbian atmosphere at pubs and restaurants contributed to that, making me extending my stay in Serbia, and in addition to the entire work on my upper jaw I did a whole lower jaw, as well.
All praise for the excellent work done on my teeth, I finally have a smile that I always wanted.
Thank you family Cvejanovic, for the excellent free apartment that I was staying at during the entire procedure and for everything you have done for my well-being.
Najpre veliko hvala Dr Srdjanu I njegovom timu Andrei I Ivani na svemu sto su ucinili da se supruga i ja za veme naseg boravka u BGD i posetama ordinaciji osecamo dobrodoslim i mnogo vise nego pacijenti.
Imao sam problem sa zubima I vremenom ,obzirom da zivim na NZ i da sam za put i tretman imao samo 5 needelja.
Ordinaciju Cvejanovic sam pronasao na internetu i posle par emaila i nekoliko razgovora preko Skajpa Dr Srdjan je pronasao resenje za oba moja problema: razradio je u detalje kada i kako ,pocevsi od pripreme zuba za namestanje krunica, (struganje svakog zuba ,vadjenje zivaca ), ukupno 25, ugradjivanje vestacke kosti na najsavremeniji nacin tako da sam posle samo pola sata na tom mestu imao ugradjena dva implanta bez da cekam nedeljama da je ugradnja kosti radjena operacijom,i jos mnogo uzgrednih poslova. Pokusao sam da se setim I napisem sve sto je Dr Srdjan uradio iz samo jednog razloga :sto je ,resavajuci moj drugi problem-vreme- uspeo SVE ovo da uradi za samo 4 nedelja u koje ulaze I pause neophodne izmedju odredjenih zahvata na zubima.
Naravno, sve ovo je rezultat znanja, profesionalizna i uigranosti tima.
Sama Ordinacija je najsavremenije opremljena I odrzavana ,sa prelepom bastom za odmor pre a narocito posle Dr Srdjanovih radova.
Veliko hvala Andrei na ljubaznost i strpljenju, na prelepom smestaju, na voznjama od apartmana do ordinacije i od autobuske stanice i nazad.
S postovanjem,
Ivo Petrovic
Koristim ovu priliku da se zahvalim gosp. Cvejanoviću ali i celom osoblju ordinacije Cvejanović koji su svojim nesebičnim zalaganjem pokazali (za razliku od mnogih iz ličnog iskustva) da novac nije najvažniji faktor u oblasti stomatologije već neizmerna briga o svakom pacijentu. Raduje me sto sam posetio par puta ovu zubarsku ordinaciju iz koje sam izašao sa novim zubima ali i saznanjem da pored stručnosti još uvek postoje „Ljudi“ koji se odlikuju i moralnim vrednostima.
S postovanjem
D. Winiger, Švajcarska
I start in June 2014 to supplement the upper teeth with porcelain crowns and veneers with Of course white and perfectly formed tooth position.
The family is very clean and tidy out, the practice facilities are modern and sterile. The dentist’s Srdjan Cvejanovic has taken in a detailed conversation my wishes and ideas to the attention and presents me the options available. The communication in English has worked wonderfully. The lady who has manufactures crowns and veneers in the laboratory, specially bothered and is personally come in practice by fitting to the teeth and to discuss whether everything was prepared to my satisfaction.
I had no problems and am swept back with a beautiful smile in Switzerland. Even during treatment, everything went quite straightforward, the anesthetic syringes picksen of course a bit but that’s normal. I got painkillers to take home but I have no need.
For me it was a pleasant and positive experience, for which I would choose at any time. the family is very friendly and accommodating. The daughter of the operation has cared for me the whole 5 days, my beautiful, large apartment shown which is available to patients, explained to me what stores in the residential rings lying around, how do I get to downtown it has for me extra-picked each appointment in the practice at home and drove back to the apartment. The service was first class as was the result of the treatment. the dentist is very professional and takes time. He has just made everything as I liked.Cost savings was enormous -75% for treatments with 2 porcelain crowns & 8 Porcelain veneers.
Moja supruga je ovih dana koristila usluge Klinike Cvejanović i ja sam je pratio.Opredelili smo se za ovu kliniku „via internet“, i pored detaljnog prethodnog „studija“ bili smo pomalo uplašeni da li smo izabrali pravo mesto gdje uložiti naš novac i u čije ruke predati poverenje o našem zdravlju!?Pored profesionalnog pristupa,tretmana i rada u klinici od strane dr.Srđana, naročito bih istakao nevjerovatnu profesionalidad,ekstremnu simpatiju i karizmu od strane menadžera.Gospođica ANDREA je jedna izuzetna ličnost, koja je nas sa svojom vedrinom i dobrodošlicom, od prvog trenutka – od samog dočeka na beogradskom aerodromu, istog trenutka razuverila u svim našim sumnjama.Klinika Cvejanović može da popravi određene detalje u svom poslovanju(to je dobronamerna kritika ili samo obično mišljenje jednog klienta) ali ono što zaslužuje ocenu 10+, ili što bi Španci rekli – „INMEJORABLE“ je lik i posao koji obavlja gospođica ANDREA CVEJANOVIĆ.Hvala joj na svemu!!!